Step-by-Step Guide: How to Do Art Commissions Tumblr

Hello there! As an artist, I understand the potential of earning through art commissions on Tumblr. It can be a great way to showcase your talent, reach a wider audience, and earn some extra income on the side. In this article, I will guide you through a step-by-step process to start offering your art commissions on Tumblr, from setting up your profile to delivering high-quality artwork to satisfied clients. Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • Art commissions on Tumblr can be a great source of income for artists.
  • Starting your own art commission page on Tumblr requires setting up your profile, promoting your services, and establishing effective communication with clients.
  • Pricing your art commissions appropriately and delivering high-quality artwork within the agreed-upon timeframe are crucial to maintaining client satisfaction and earning repeat business.

Understanding the Tumblr Art Community

As I delved into the world of offering art commissions on Tumblr, I quickly discovered the vibrant and diverse community of artists available for commission. From digital artists to traditional painters, there is no shortage of talent on this platform.

In order to successfully tap into this network of artists and potential clients, it’s important to understand the different types of Tumblr art communities and how to identify the right audience for your commissions.

The Types of Tumblr Art Communities

Firstly, it’s important to recognize that Tumblr has a variety of art communities, each with their own culture, aesthetic, and set of expectations. Some common art communities include:

  • Fan art communities: centered around artwork inspired by popular culture, such as fanart of TV shows, movies, and video games.
  • Original art communities: focused on showcasing unique and personal artistic styles and original characters.
  • Comics communities: centered around webcomics, comic strips, and graphic novels.
  • Illustration communities: featuring artwork created for books, magazines, and advertising campaigns.

Understanding the various Tumblr art communities can help you identify your own niche and target audience for your commissions.

How to Identify the Right Audience

Once you have a clear understanding of the different Tumblr art communities, you can begin targeting your ideal audience for commissions. Here are a few tips to help you narrow down your target audience:

  • Explore tags and search terms relevant to your style and medium to see which posts and artists are popular.
  • Engage with other artists’ work by liking, reblogging, and commenting, and make connections with those who share similar interests.
  • Consider the demographics and preferences of your own followers and tailor your commission offerings to their interests and needs.

By identifying and targeting the right audience for your art commissions, you can ensure that your work receives the attention and recognition it deserves.

Setting Up Your Tumblr Account

Creating a professional Tumblr account is an essential step for artists who want to offer their art commissions on the platform. This allows potential clients to easily view an artist’s portfolio and get in touch with them for commission requests. Here are some tips for setting up your Tumblr account:

Choosing an Appropriate Username

Your username should be memorable and relevant to your art style. Avoid using numbers or symbols, as it can make it difficult for clients to find you. Instead, try to use your artist name or a variation of it.

Optimizing Your Profile

Make sure to include a short bio that highlights your art style and commission types. Add relevant tags to your profile to increase your visibility on the platform. Consider including a link to your portfolio or website to provide additional information to your potential clients.

Creating a Visually Appealing Portfolio

Your portfolio should showcase your best artwork and demonstrate your skill level. Consider organizing your portfolio based on commission types or themes to make it easier for potential clients to find what they’re looking for. You can also add descriptions to your artwork to provide insights into your creative process.

Joining the Tumblr Art Community

Once your account is set up, it’s essential to engage with the art community on Tumblr. This can help increase your visibility and attract potential clients. Follow other artists who offer commissions, reblog their work, and participate in art challenges and events. This can help you establish connections with other artists and gain exposure within the community.

With a professional Tumblr account and active engagement with the art community, artists can effectively showcase their art and attract potential clients for their commissions.

Creating an Art Commission Page:

Now that I’ve set up my Tumblr account and optimized my portfolio, it’s time to create a dedicated page for art commissions. This is where potential clients will go to learn more about my services and place requests.

To create a successful commission page, it’s important to include all necessary information upfront to avoid confusion or misunderstandings. Here are some important details to consider:

  • Commission types: Outline the different types of commissions you offer, such as portraits, landscapes, or character designs. Be sure to provide examples of each type to help clients visualize what they can expect.
  • Pricing: Clearly state your prices and how they are determined. Will you charge per hour or per project? Will prices vary depending on the complexity or size of the artwork?
  • Terms and conditions: Establish clear rules and guidelines for clients to follow when requesting commissions. This can include your refund policy, revisions policy, and any other important information that clients should be aware of before placing a request.
  • Commission guidelines: Be sure to provide a step-by-step guide for clients to follow when requesting a commission. This can include details on how to contact you, what information to include in their request, and how the payment process works. Make it as easy as possible for clients to work with you!

Once your commission page is set up, don’t forget to promote it on your Tumblr account and other social media platforms. Use relevant tags to make it easy for potential clients to find!

Promoting Your Art Commissions

One of the key factors in making art commissions successful on Tumblr is effective promotion. Here are some tips to help you reach potential clients:

  1. Utilize tags: Tagging your posts with relevant keywords and phrases will help your art commission page appear in search results. Include tags such as “art commissions,” “commission info,” and “tumblr commission open” to ensure your posts are visible to those looking for commission services.
  2. Engage with the community: Interacting with other artists and art enthusiasts on Tumblr can help you gain exposure and potentially attract new clients. Comment on and reblog posts from other artists, participate in art challenges and collaborations, and join art-based groups to expand your reach.
  3. Collaborate with other artists: Collaborating with other artists can be a great way to expand your audience and showcase your skills. Consider partnering with artists who have a similar style or target audience to create joint projects or offer joint commissions.
  4. Utilize social media platforms: Utilizing social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram can help you reach an even wider audience. Share your art commission page and updates on your progress across your social media profiles to attract potential clients from outside the Tumblr community.
  5. Make an announcement when commission slots open: When you have open commission slots, make a post announcing it on your Tumblr page. This way, your followers will get to know that you’re open for business and potentially put in a request for a commission.

By utilizing these strategies, you can increase visibility and potentially attract more clients for your art commissions on Tumblr.

Pricing Your Art Commissions

One of the most important aspects of offering art commissions on Tumblr is pricing your services appropriately. As an artist, it can be challenging to determine what to charge for your time and effort. However, it is crucial to consider various factors when setting prices to ensure fair compensation and attract potential clients.

Complexity: The level of detail and complexity of a commission is a significant factor to consider when determining pricing. If a commission requires extensive research or intricate details, it may warrant a higher price tag.

Size: The physical size of the artwork can also influence pricing. Larger pieces may require more time and resources, and therefore, a higher price.

Medium: The type of medium used can also impact pricing. For example, a digital artwork may require specialized software and equipment, which can increase the overall cost.

Experience: Your level of experience as an artist can also play a role in pricing. If you are just starting, your rates may be lower than those of a seasoned artist with a substantial portfolio.

When determining prices, it is crucial to remain transparent with your clients. Provide a breakdown of your rates and the factors that contribute to the final cost of their commission. Additionally, you may consider offering different tiers of pricing for different levels of detail or customization.

Overall, pricing your art commissions appropriately can ensure fair compensation for your time and effort while attracting potential clients to your Tumblr page.

Communicating with Clients

One of the most crucial aspects of art commissions on Tumblr is effective communication with clients. As an artist, it is important to establish open lines of communication to ensure that the client’s needs and expectations are met throughout the entire commission process.

When a client reaches out to me for a potential commission, I make sure to respond as promptly as possible. I thank them for their interest and ask for more information about their project. This initiates a conversation where we can discuss the details and ensure that we are both on the same page.

Once the details are established, I make sure to discuss the timeline for the project and set realistic expectations for when the artwork will be delivered. It is important to remember that communication should be open throughout the entire process to address any concerns or changes that may arise.

As I work on the project, I provide regular updates to the client and ask for their feedback to ensure that the final product aligns with their vision. If any issues arise, I address them professionally and make sure to resolve them in a timely manner.

Ultimately, effective communication with clients is key to ensuring their satisfaction with the final artwork and maintaining a positive reputation within the Tumblr art community. Always aim to keep the client informed and involved in the process to create a positive experience for both parties.

Managing Deadlines and Delivering Artwork

As an artist offering commissions on Tumblr, managing deadlines and delivering high-quality artwork on time is crucial to maintaining a professional reputation and ensuring client satisfaction.

To begin, it’s important to establish clear deadlines with your clients and ensure that they are realistic based on the complexity and size of the commissioned artwork. I always communicate with my clients throughout the process to keep them informed of my progress and any potential delays.

Organization is also key in managing deadlines. I use a calendar or planner to keep track of deadlines and set reminders to ensure I stay on track. Additionally, I always aim to complete projects ahead of schedule to allow for any unexpected delays or revisions.

When it comes to delivering artwork to clients, I make sure to provide high-quality images in the agreed-upon format and resolution. It’s important to double-check that all requested elements are included and that the artwork meets the client’s expectations before submitting the final product.

Overall, successful management of deadlines and delivery of artwork requires clear communication, organization, and attention to detail. By prioritizing these elements, artists can ensure client satisfaction and build a positive reputation within the Tumblr art community.

Dealing with Challenges and Conflict Resolution

As much as I love creating art commissions on Tumblr, there are times when things don’t go as planned. At some point, you may encounter challenging situations that can be frustrating or difficult to resolve. However, it’s important to maintain a professional attitude and handle these situations with grace and tact. Here are some tips for addressing challenges during the commission process:

1. Address the issue immediately:

If a client expresses dissatisfaction with your work, make sure to acknowledge their concerns right away. Listen carefully to what they have to say and work together to find a solution that works for both parties. Ignoring the issue will only make things worse, so it’s best to address it head-on.

2. Stay calm and professional:

It’s easy to get upset or defensive when faced with criticism, but it’s important to stay calm and professional. Remember that the client is investing their time and money into your work, so it’s crucial to address their concerns with a level head. Try to see things from their perspective and work towards a mutually beneficial solution.

3. Be willing to compromise:

Compromise is key when it comes to resolving conflicts. If a client has specific requests or concerns, try to find a way to meet their needs while still staying true to your artistic vision. This may involve making changes to your artwork or adjusting the pricing, but ultimately, it’s worth it to reach a positive resolution.

4. Learn from the experience:

Every commission process is a learning experience. Take note of what worked well and what didn’t, and make adjustments to your process for future projects. This can help you avoid similar issues in the future and continue to improve your work as an artist.

By handling challenges with professionalism and a willingness to work towards a solution, you can maintain a positive reputation in the Tumblr art community and continue to build your business as an artist.

Providing Exceptional Customer Service

One of the most important aspects of doing art commissions on Tumblr is providing exceptional customer service. It’s not just about creating beautiful artwork; it’s about ensuring your clients are satisfied every step of the way. Here are some tips for providing exceptional customer service:

  1. Be professional: From your initial interactions with potential clients to the final delivery of artwork, always maintain a professional demeanor. Respond promptly to inquiries, use polite language, and be respectful of your clients’ time and preferences.
  2. Communicate effectively: Clear communication is key to ensuring your clients are happy with your artwork. Discuss project details thoroughly, set realistic expectations, and keep clients updated on progress throughout the commission process.
  3. Pay attention to detail: Take the time to understand your clients’ vision for their artwork and pay attention to even the smallest details. This will show your clients that you are committed to creating a high-quality product that meets their expectations.
  4. Provide timely delivery: Delivering artwork within the agreed-upon timeframe is crucial to ensuring client satisfaction. Set realistic deadlines and communicate any potential delays to your clients as soon as possible.
  5. Solicit feedback: After delivering artwork, ask your clients for feedback on the final product and the commission process as a whole. Use this feedback to improve your services and maintain a positive reputation within the art community.

By providing exceptional customer service, you can not only ensure your clients are satisfied, but also increase the chances of repeat business and positive referrals. Always strive to go above and beyond to create a positive experience for your clients.


In conclusion, learning how to do art commissions on Tumblr can open up a world of opportunities for artists looking to turn their passion into profit. By following the step-by-step guide in section 1, understanding the Tumblr art community in section 2, setting up a professional Tumblr account in section 3, and creating a dedicated art commission page in section 4, artists can effectively promote their services and attract potential clients.

It’s important to remember to price your art commissions reasonably, communicate effectively with clients, and provide exceptional customer service throughout the commission process, as discussed in sections 6, 7, and 10.

While challenges may arise, such as difficult clients or creative differences, section 9 offers strategies for resolving conflicts professionally and maintaining a positive reputation within the art community.

Overall, by following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, artists can successfully navigate the art commission process on Tumblr and create a fulfilling and profitable career in the art world. So, why not take the leap and start your journey towards successful art commissions on Tumblr today?


Q: How do I start offering art commissions on Tumblr?

A: To start offering art commissions on Tumblr, you first need to set up a professional Tumblr account to showcase your artwork. Then, create a dedicated art commission page on your blog, including important information such as commission types, pricing, and guidelines for clients. Finally, promote your art commissions through tags, engaging with the community, and utilizing social media platforms.

Q: How do I price my art commissions on Tumblr?

A: Pricing your art commissions appropriately is crucial. Factors to consider when determining prices include the complexity, size, medium, and your experience as an artist. It’s important to ensure fair compensation for your time and effort while also considering the market value and client expectations.

Q: How can I effectively communicate with clients for art commissions on Tumblr?

A: Establishing effective communication with clients is vital for a successful commission process. Respond promptly to inquiries, discuss project details thoroughly, and set realistic expectations. Maintain open lines of communication and provide regular updates to ensure client satisfaction throughout the entire commission process.

Q: How do I manage deadlines and deliver artwork for art commissions on Tumblr?

A: Managing deadlines is crucial to maintain a professional reputation. Stay organized, set realistic deadlines, and strive to deliver high-quality artwork within the agreed-upon timeframe. Regularly communicate with clients and ensure their satisfaction with the final product.

Q: What should I do if I encounter challenges or conflicts during the commission process on Tumblr?

A: Challenges and conflicts can arise, but it’s important to handle them professionally and maintain a positive reputation. Try to resolve conflicts through open and respectful communication. Seek mutual understanding and compromise to find a solution that satisfies both you and the client.

Q: How can I provide exceptional customer service for art commissions on Tumblr?

A: Providing exceptional customer service is key to building a successful commission business. Be professional, prompt in your communication, and go above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction. This will lead to repeat business, positive referrals, and a strong reputation within the art community.