Understanding What is a Juried Art Show: A Brief Guide

As a professional copywriting journalist, I have covered many art-related topics. One such topic that has piqued my interest in recent times is juried art shows. If you are an artist or an art enthusiast, you might have heard of juried art shows but might not know what they are and what they entail. In this article, I will give you a brief guide on what a juried art show is, how it works, and what benefits it offers to the artists.

Key Takeaways

  • A juried art show is an exhibition where artists submit their work to a panel of experts who curate and select the pieces to be displayed.
  • The selection process is highly competitive, and artists need to meet specific criteria and provide high-quality submissions to be considered.
  • Participating in juried art shows offers artists exposure, recognition, networking opportunities, and potential sales.

What is a Juried Art Show?

If you’re an artist looking to showcase your work, you may have come across the phrase “juried art show.” But what exactly does it mean? Simply put, a juried art show is an exhibition where the submitted artworks are evaluated and selected by a panel of art experts or jurors. This means that not all submissions are guaranteed to be accepted and displayed in the show.

While this may seem intimidating, it’s important to note that juried art shows are highly regarded in the art community as they often feature high-quality, curated collections of artwork. They provide a platform for artists to gain exposure and recognition, and for art enthusiasts to experience diverse and thought-provoking artworks.

Distinguishing Features of Juried Art Shows

One of the primary differences between juried art shows and other art exhibitions is the selection process. Unlike open exhibitions where any artist can submit their work, juried shows require artists to submit their artwork for review by a jury panel. The jurors evaluate each submission using a set of criteria and choose the artworks that best fit the theme or vision of the show.

Another distinguishing feature of juried art shows is the level of prestige associated with them. Juried shows are often hosted by well-respected galleries, museums, and art organizations, and participating in such exhibitions can be a major milestone for many artists.

Overall, juried art shows are a way for artists to challenge themselves, gain exposure, and connect with other art professionals.

The Process Behind Juried Art Shows

Organizing and conducting a juried art show requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here is a step-by-step guide to how a juried art show works:

  1. Call for Submissions: Juried art shows begin by putting out a call for submissions. Artists interested in participating must submit their entries by a specific deadline, typically online or by mail. Artists should carefully read the submission guidelines and ensure their work meets the criteria and requirements.
  2. Jury Selection: After the deadline has passed, a jury of experts in the art field will review and evaluate the submissions. The jury will look for works that stand out and meet the given criteria and standards. The number of artists selected for the show will depend on the size of the exhibition and the available space.
  3. Notification of Acceptance: Artists will receive notification of acceptance or rejection. If accepted, artists will receive further instructions on the next steps, such as shipping or delivering their artwork to the exhibition location.
  4. Artwork Preparation: Artists must prepare their artwork for display according to the exhibition guidelines. This may include framing, mounting, or labeling the artwork.
  5. Installation: Once the artwork has arrived at the exhibition location, it will be installed and arranged by the exhibition organizers. The artwork is typically displayed in a curated and thoughtfully arranged manner.
  6. Opening Reception: Juried art shows usually have an opening reception where the public can view the artwork and meet the artists. This is an excellent opportunity for networking and gaining exposure for the artists involved in the show.

The entire process of organizing and conducting a juried art show can take several months, from the announcement of the call for submissions to the opening reception. However, the end result is a curated and prestigious exhibition that showcases the best of the art world.

Benefits of Participating in a Juried Art Show

Participating in a juried art show can provide numerous benefits for artists. Not only does it offer a chance to showcase their work and gain exposure, but it can also lead to networking opportunities and potential sales.

A juried art show is typically attended by art collectors, curators, and other professionals in the art world. By participating in such an event, artists have the opportunity to connect with these individuals and potentially form valuable relationships that can lead to future opportunities.

Additionally, being selected for a juried art show can increase an artist’s visibility and credibility within the art community. This recognition can lead to further exhibition opportunities and even grants or awards.

Participating in a juried art show can also help artists improve their craft. By having work evaluated by a jury of experienced professionals, artists can receive feedback and constructive criticism that can help them grow and develop their skills.

Overall, participating in a juried art show can be a valuable and rewarding experience for artists at any stage of their career.

Tips for Getting into a Juried Art Show

Participating in a juried art show can be a great opportunity to showcase your work to a wider audience and gain recognition in the art world. However, competition can be fierce and not all applicants are accepted. Here are a few tips to increase your chances of getting into a juried art show:

  1. Do Your Research: Before applying to a juried art show, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the event’s theme, style, and previous exhibitors. Make sure that your artwork aligns with the show’s criteria and that your submissions stand out.
  2. Present Your Best Work: Jurors and curators are looking for high-quality artworks that demonstrate technical skill, creativity, and originality. Make sure to submit your best work and present it in the best possible light. Take clear, high-resolution photographs, and ensure that your submissions are clean and well-presented.
  3. Read the Guidelines: Juried art shows typically have strict guidelines and deadlines that must be followed. Make sure that you carefully read and understand the application requirements, including image specifications, submission fees, and deadlines.
  4. Network and Collaborate: Networking with other artists, curators, and gallery owners can be an excellent way to gain exposure and connections in the art world. Attend art events, join local artist groups, and collaborate with other artists to expand your reach and knowledge.
  5. Be Persistent: Rejections are a part of the process, and it’s essential not to get discouraged. Keep applying to different juried art shows, and continue to improve your work and presentation. Persistence and dedication often pay off in the long run.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting into a juried art show and take advantage of the opportunities that these events offer.

Juried Art Show Criteria

As an artist preparing to submit work for a juried art show, it is crucial to understand the criteria that jurors use to evaluate the submissions. These criteria can vary depending on the specific show and its theme, but generally, they share some common elements.

Artistic Merit: Jurors assess the overall quality of the artwork, considering factors such as composition, color use, and technique. They may also evaluate how well the artwork meets the show’s theme or requirements.

Creativity: Originality and innovation are highly valued in juried art shows. Jurors look for artwork that stands out from the crowd and showcases the artist’s unique perspective.

Technical Skill: A high level of technical skill is essential in most juried art shows. Jurors evaluate the artist’s proficiency in their chosen medium, whether it’s painting, sculpture, photography, or mixed media.

Coherence: Jurors also consider how well the artwork fits together as a cohesive collection. They evaluate how the individual pieces relate to each other, whether they create a unified theme or narrative, or if they offer a diverse range of styles.

By understanding the criteria that jurors use to evaluate artwork, artists can better tailor their submissions and increase their chances of being selected for the show.

Finding Juried Art Shows

As an artist, one of the most challenging aspects of participating in a juried art show is finding the right events to showcase your work. Fortunately, there are several resources available to help you locate juried art shows in your area or desired location.

One of the easiest ways to find juried art shows is by using online resources. Websites such as Artshow.com, Callforentry.org, and Zapplication.org provide comprehensive lists of upcoming juried art shows across the United States. These websites also allow you to filter your search by criteria such as location, submission deadline, and medium, making it easier to find shows that fit your specific needs.

Another way to find juried art shows is by contacting local art organizations or community centers. These institutions often host juried art shows and may be able to provide you with information on upcoming events. Additionally, many galleries and art museums hold juried art shows, so be sure to check their websites or social media pages for announcements.

It’s also worth noting that some art shows may not explicitly state that they are “juried,” but instead, have a selection committee or curator. In these cases, the selection process may be similar to a juried art show, so don’t be afraid to apply if the opportunity aligns with your artistic goals.

The Juried Art Show Application Process

If you are interested in participating in a juried art show, it is essential to understand the application process. The process may differ from one show to another, but it generally involves several steps that artists need to follow to submit their work.

Firstly, artists need to research and find the right juried art show for their work. Look for shows that fit your style, medium, and experience level. Once you have identified a show that interests you, review the application guidelines carefully. Make sure you understand the eligibility requirements, deadlines, and fees.

Before submitting your application, it’s essential to prepare and present your artwork professionally. Take high-quality photographs or digitize your work and make sure they meet the file format and size requirements set by the show. You may also need to provide descriptions or artist statements that explain your inspiration, techniques, and materials used.

Once you have gathered all necessary materials, you can usually apply online or by mail. Online applications typically require you to upload images and supporting documents, while mail applications may require you to send physical prints and a CD or flash drive with your work.

After submitting your application, you will usually receive a confirmation email or letter. Most shows will have a selection period during which the jurors will review all submissions and make their decisions. The selection process may take several weeks or months, so be patient.

If your work is selected, you will receive notification and further instructions on how to prepare and deliver your artwork for the exhibition. Remember that not all artists will be selected for a juried art show, so don’t be discouraged if you are not chosen. Keep applying and honing your skills, and eventually, you will find the right show for your work.

The Jury Selection Process in Art Shows

Art shows are exciting events that attract artists and art enthusiasts alike. However, not all artwork can make it to the exhibition floor. The selection process is conducted by a jury of art professionals who evaluate the submissions based on specific criteria. In this section, I will discuss the role of the jury in the selection process of juried art shows.


The jurors are usually art specialists with a deep understanding of different mediums and genres. They are carefully chosen based on their expertise and reputation in the art community to ensure fair and unbiased judgments. They evaluate the artworks based on merit, creativity, technical skill, and originality.

The Selection Process:

The selection process typically involves several rounds. In the first round, the jurors review each artwork anonymously and independently. They eliminate works that do not meet the required criteria. In the second round, the jurors come together to discuss the remaining artworks and reach a consensus on the final selection. The number of works selected depends on the size of the exhibition.

The Result:

The result of the selection process is a curated exhibition of high-quality artworks that represent the best in the field. The chosen works are displayed in a professional setting, providing artists with exposure and recognition in the art world.

If you are an artist looking to participate in a juried art show, it is essential to understand the jury selection process. By knowing what the jurors are looking for in an artwork, you can tailor your submissions to meet their expectations. You can also gain insight into the art world and develop a deeper appreciation for the work that goes into organizing and running these events.


Participating in a juried art show can be a rewarding and valuable experience for artists looking to showcase their work and gain recognition in the art community. By following the application guidelines, meeting the specific criteria, and presenting high-quality submissions, artists can increase their chances of being selected for these prestigious events.

Juried art shows offer numerous benefits, including exposure, networking opportunities, and potential sales. They provide a platform for artists to display their skills and talent to a wider audience and connect with other professionals in the industry.

By understanding what a juried art show is, how it works, and what criteria jurors use to evaluate artworks, artists can better prepare themselves for the application process. They can also locate juried art shows in their area or desired location through various online resources, art organizations, galleries, and community centers.

Overall, I encourage all artists to explore and participate in juried art shows. It can be a great way to showcase your creativity, gain recognition, and connect with other like-minded individuals in the art community.


Q: What is a juried art show?

A: A juried art show is an exhibition where the artworks are selected and curated by a panel of experts, known as the jury, based on specific criteria and standards.

Q: How does a juried art show work?

A: The process of a juried art show involves artists submitting their work for consideration, the jury reviewing the submissions, and then selecting the artworks to be showcased in the exhibition.

Q: What are the benefits of participating in a juried art show?

A: Participating in a juried art show can provide artists with exposure, recognition, networking opportunities, and potential sales for their artwork.

Q: What are some tips for getting into a juried art show?

A: To increase your chances of being selected for a juried art show, it’s important to present your work professionally, prepare your application materials thoroughly, and research the specific requirements and preferences of the show.

Q: What criteria are used in juried art shows?

A: Juried art shows typically evaluate artworks based on elements such as artistic merit, creativity, originality, and technical skill.

Q: How can I find juried art shows?

A: You can find juried art shows by exploring online resources, checking with local art organizations, galleries, and community centers, and networking with other artists.

Q: What is the application process for a juried art show?

A: The application process for a juried art show usually involves submitting your artwork, meeting specific requirements, paying any necessary fees, and adhering to submission deadlines.

Q: How are jurors selected for art shows?

A: Jurors for art shows are often chosen for their expertise and experience in the art field. They are responsible for evaluating and selecting the artworks that will be included in the exhibition.