Experience ‘How Great Thou Art’ at the Inauguration Event

As a journalist who has covered multiple presidential inaugurations, I can attest to the powerful emotions and sense of unity that permeate these historic events. One aspect that particularly stands out is the role of music in the inauguration ceremony.

Among the many beautiful hymns and anthems performed, few have the ability to move the audience quite like ‘How Great Thou Art.’ This timeless hymn has been a staple of past inaugurations and remains a beloved tradition to this day.

Whether you’re a fan of religious music or not, there’s no denying the impact that ‘How Great Thou Art’ has at the inauguration event. Its soulful melody and powerful lyrics create an atmosphere of hope, unity, and reverence, reminding us of the importance of faith in times of transition and celebration.

Key Takeaways:

  • The presidential inauguration is a historic event that has a significant impact on American politics and culture.
  • The role of music in the ceremony is crucial, with ‘How Great Thou Art’ being a standout hymn.
  • The emotional impact of experiencing ‘How Great Thou Art’ during the inauguration is powerful and unifying.

The Importance of the Inauguration Ceremony

As I reflect on past presidential inaugurations, I am struck by the immense significance of this historical event. The inauguration ceremony marks the peaceful transfer of power and sets the tone for the new administration’s goals and priorities. The inaugural address, delivered by the newly-elected president, is a highly-anticipated speech that outlines the vision for the future of our nation.

The first presidential inauguration took place on April 30, 1789, when George Washington was sworn in as the first President of the United States. Since then, the inauguration ceremony has evolved, but its importance remains steadfast. It is a symbol of democracy and a celebration of the American people.

Throughout history, many memorable speeches have been delivered during inauguration ceremonies. One such notable speech was John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address in 1961, where he famously proclaimed, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” These speeches have the power to inspire and motivate the American people.

The Impact of Historical Inaugurations

The significance of the inauguration ceremony extends beyond the speeches delivered. The ceremony itself is a powerful symbol of our democracy and the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. In 2009, Barack Obama’s inauguration as the first African American president was a historic moment that inspired a nation and symbolized progress towards equality.

As we prepare for the next inauguration ceremony, it is important to remember the importance of this event in our nation’s history. It is a time for unity and reflection, and an opportunity to set the tone for the next four years.

Unforgettable Moments of Inauguration Day

The presidential inauguration is full of unforgettable moments that have shaped American history. From the famous speeches to the incredible performances, this event captures the spirit and essence of our nation. One of my favorite inauguration highlights was the moment when President Obama and Vice President Biden walked down Pennsylvania Avenue after their inauguration in 2009. Thousands of people lined the streets, cheering and waving American flags, filled with hope and excitement for the future of our country.

Another unforgettable moment was during President Kennedy’s inauguration speech in 1961. His powerful words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country,” inspired a generation and continue to resonate today. And who can forget Aretha Franklin’s stirring performance of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” at President Obama’s second inauguration? Her incredible voice and undeniable talent brought tears to the eyes of many in the audience.

But perhaps the most significant inauguration moment of all was in 1963 when Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as President following the assassination of President Kennedy. The country was in mourning, and Johnson’s words, “Let us continue,” captured the determination and resilience of the American people in the face of tragedy.

Other Notable Inauguration Highlights

There have been many other notable moments during past inaugurations as well. In 2005, President George W. Bush’s second inauguration featured a performance by the United States Marine Band, also known as “The President’s Own.” Their rendition of “Stars and Stripes Forever” was a fitting tribute to our nation and its enduring spirit.

And let’s not forget about President Clinton’s 1993 inauguration, which included a performance by Fleetwood Mac. Stevie Nicks’ haunting rendition of “Landslide” was a perfect choice for the occasion. It captured the sentiment of a nation in transition and the promise of a new day.

These moments, both big and small, remind us of the power of the presidential inauguration and the incredible history that surrounds it. From the speeches to the songs, this event is a celebration of our shared values and hopes for a better tomorrow.

The Power of ‘How Great Thou Art’

One of the most moving moments of any presidential inauguration is the performance of ‘How Great Thou Art.’ This hymn has the ability to transport you to another realm and create a soulful atmosphere that inspires and unites the audience.

The beauty of ‘How Great Thou Art’ lies in its timeless appeal. It has been performed at past inaugurations, and each time, it strikes a chord with the audience and creates an emotional connection that transcends politics and ideology. Its uplifting melody and powerful lyrics remind us of the majesty of the natural world and the beauty of our shared humanity.

During the inauguration ceremony, the performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ serves as a moment of reflection and inspiration. Its ethereal quality provides a respite from the political tensions of the day and reminds us of the higher values that bring us together as a nation.

The impact of ‘How Great Thou Art’ on the audience cannot be overstated. It has the power to bring tears to your eyes and stir your soul, leaving you with a sense of awe and wonder. It helps create a sense of unity among those in attendance, forging a connection that transcends our differences and highlights the importance of coming together in times of celebration and transition.

The inclusion of this hymn at the inauguration event is a testament to the continued influence and significance of religious and spiritual music in American culture. It reminds us that, no matter our political views or backgrounds, we all share a common humanity and a desire for connection and meaning.

The performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ at the inauguration event is a true highlight, capturing the magic and beauty of this historic day. It serves as a reminder of the power of music to move us, inspire us, and bring us together.

The Significance of Music in Inauguration Ceremonies

As the world gears up for the highly anticipated presidential inauguration, one aspect that cannot be overlooked is the significance of music in the event. The inauguration ceremony is a historic moment that is meant to symbolize the peaceful transition of power. During this momentous occasion, music serves as an emotional and soulful tool that adds depth to the event, connecting individuals from all walks of life.

The inauguration event is not just a celebration of the new administration but also an opportunity for the nation to come together and celebrate. Music has the power to unify, and in the context of an inauguration ceremony, it can help to create a sense of unity and harmony. It plays a vital role in setting the tone for the event and encouraging everyone to come together in a spirit of peace, hope, and optimism.

The significance of music in the inauguration ceremony is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history, there have been many notable musical performances during the event that have touched the hearts of many. From iconic performances by legendary artists like Aretha Franklin to touching renditions of classic hymns, music has been an intrinsic part of this event for decades.

As the world watches the presidential inauguration, music will undoubtedly continue to play a crucial role in the event. From the first note to the final chord, the music will set the tone for the occasion, creating a soulful atmosphere that will stay with attendees long after the event has ended. Whether it’s a rousing performance by a military band or a stirring rendition of a classic hymn, the power of music at the inauguration ceremony is truly unparalleled.

Preparations for the ‘How Great Thou Art’ Performance

As I prepared to attend the presidential inauguration, one of the things I was looking forward to the most was the performance of ‘How Great Thou Art.’ It’s a hymn that has always held a special place in my heart, and I knew that experiencing it in the context of such a historic event would be incredibly moving.

But I didn’t realize just how much work went into making that seemingly effortless performance happen. Before the event even began, there were hours upon hours of preparation involved.

Step Description
Selection The first step was selecting the musicians who would perform the hymn. This involved going through a rigorous process of auditions and interviews to find the most talented and experienced artists.
Rehearsals Once the musicians were selected, there were countless rehearsals to make sure everything was just right. They practiced together for hours on end, working out the harmonies and perfecting their timing.
Collaboration It wasn’t just the musicians who were involved in the preparations, either. There were also sound technicians, lighting designers, and many others working behind the scenes to ensure that the performance went smoothly.

It was truly amazing to see the level of dedication and attention to detail that went into creating this moment for the inauguration event.

Preparations for the ‘How Great Thou Art’ Performance

One of the most impressive aspects of the preparations for the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance was the collaboration between the musicians and the other professionals working on the event. Everyone was committed to making sure that this performance was truly special, and they worked together seamlessly to achieve that goal.

What struck me the most, however, was the passion and enthusiasm that the musicians brought to their rehearsals. They were clearly honored to be performing at such an important event, and they were determined to give it their all.

Watching them practice, I could tell that they had a deep appreciation for the power of music to bring people together and create a sense of shared emotions and experiences. And that’s exactly what they achieved with their performance of ‘How Great Thou Art.’

The Impact of ‘How Great Thou Art’ on the Audience

As I sat among the crowd at the presidential inauguration, I could feel the energy and anticipation in the air. When the performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ began, it was as if the entire audience was transported to another world. The soulful melody and powerful lyrics resonated with each and every one of us, creating a profound connection that words cannot describe.

It was clear that I was not the only one moved by the performance of ‘How Great Thou Art.’ Looking around, I saw tears in the eyes of many attendees, their faces reflecting a deep sense of emotion and unity. The hymn’s timeless appeal and message of faith brought people together in a way that only music can.

The impact of ‘How Great Thou Art’ on the audience was palpable, as it served as a reminder of the power of music in times of celebration and transition. The soulful atmosphere created by the performance was a testament to the role of music in inauguration ceremonies, highlighting its ability to add depth and emotion to the event.

The ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance was undoubtedly one of the most memorable moments of the day, capturing the hearts of all who were present. It was a powerful reminder that, even in times of political division, music has the ability to bring people of all backgrounds and beliefs together in celebration of unity and faith.

Celebrating Unity and Faith Through Music

As I experienced the performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ at the inauguration event, I was struck by how this hymn brought everyone in attendance together in a powerful moment of unity. The inauguration ceremony is a time of transition, but it is also a time of celebration, and music plays a significant role in capturing the spirit of this occasion.

Throughout history, the inauguration ceremony has featured memorable musical performances that have added depth and emotion to the event. Whether it’s the national anthem, patriotic songs, or soulful hymns, music serves as a unifying force that brings people together and highlights the importance of faith in times of celebration and transition.

The performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ at the inauguration event is a perfect example of this unifying power of music. This timeless hymn brings people together across different cultures and backgrounds, creating a soulful atmosphere that transcends words and politics.

During the performance of ‘How Great Thou Art,’ I saw people in the audience moved to tears and others singing along with the hymn. This powerful connection between the performer and the audience is what makes moments like these so unforgettable and speaks to the lasting impact of music in inauguration ceremonies.

The performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ at the inauguration event celebrates our collective faith and serves as a reminder of the power of music to bring us together. As we move forward as a country, let us continue to embrace the unity and soulful atmosphere of this momentous occasion.

The Legacy of ‘How Great Thou Art’ at Inaugurations

As I reflect on the power of ‘How Great Thou Art’ in the inauguration ceremony, it’s impossible to ignore the rich history this hymn has at this event. Over the years, it has become a staple of the inauguration, with numerous memorable performances leaving their mark on American history.

One of the most notable performances of ‘How Great Thou Art’ was at the 2001 inauguration of President George W. Bush. Sung by a choir of over 300 voices, this rendition of the hymn was a soul-stirring moment that emphasized the importance of faith and unity in a time of national transition.

Another memorable performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ was in 1985, during the second inauguration of President Ronald Reagan. Sung by renowned opera singer Jessye Norman, the rendition of the hymn was a powerful reminder of the enduring spirit of America and the role of faith in guiding the nation through challenging times.

These are just a few examples of the impact and legacy of ‘How Great Thou Art’ at inaugurations throughout American history. Its beautiful melody and timeless message continue to inspire and uplift millions of people, making it an essential part of this historic event.

The Significance of Music in Inauguration Ceremonies

Music has always played a crucial role in the inauguration ceremony, adding depth and emotion to the event. From the national anthem to the peaceful hymns, every musical performance plays a distinct role in the ceremony.

The inauguration event is a time of celebration, and the music reflects this sentiment. The melodies carry an infectious energy, and the lyrics often reflect hope and unity. The music sets the tone for the entire occasion and serves as a reminder of the gravity of the moment.

Over the years, several notable musical performances have taken place during the inauguration, with some becoming iconic. From Whitney Houston’s powerful rendition of the national anthem to Beyonce’s soulful rendition of “At Last,” these performances have become a symbol of the unity and strength of the American people.

Moreover, music serves as a unifying force, bringing people together from different backgrounds and beliefs. It highlights the importance of working together and celebrating the diversity of America. The music, therefore, is essential in reflecting the values of the nation.

It is a testament to the everlasting power of music that it can inspire people, evoke emotions and bring unity. The inauguration ceremony serves as a reminder of this power and showcases the impact that music can have in bringing people together.

The Importance of Experiencing ‘How Great Thou Art’ During the Inauguration Day

As an American, there are few moments more significant than a presidential inauguration. It’s a time where we come together as a nation, celebrating our democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. And within that ceremony, music plays a crucial role. That’s why I believe experiencing the performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ at the inauguration event is an essential part of the celebration.

The hymn ‘How Great Thou Art’ is a timeless classic that has been performed at several inaugurations throughout history. Its powerful lyrics and soulful melody bring together people of different faiths, backgrounds, and beliefs. The audience can feel a sense of unity and spirituality, which is especially crucial in times of transition.

As I reflect on past inauguration days, I remember the unforgettable moments, the historic speeches, and of course, the musical performances. However, it’s the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance that has always stood out to me. I believe that its beautiful messages of faith and hope, combined with its soulful melody, make it a genuinely breathtaking experience that everyone should witness at least once in their lifetime.

During the preparations for the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance, the attention to detail is awe-inspiring. The rehearsals, collaboration with musicians, and the selection process are all thoughtfully planned to create a powerful and moving moment during the inauguration event.

When the performance finally happens, the emotional impact on the audience is palpable. Every attendee can feel the connection that this hymn creates, and the unity it brings. It is a moment of celebration, but also a moment to reflect on the importance of faith and spirituality in our lives.

The legacy of ‘How Great Thou Art’ being performed at past inaugurations cannot be overstated. It has become an integral part of the ceremonies, reminding us of the past as we look forward to the future. And capturing the magic of ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance is no small feat. Professional recordings, live broadcasts, and the use of technology all work to ensure that this moment is preserved for future generations.


In conclusion, experiencing the performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ during the inauguration day is an unforgettable, moving, and critical part of the celebration. Its messages of faith and hope, combined with its soulful melody, make it a moment that will stay with you for a lifetime. So when you’re watching the inauguration, take a moment to appreciate the power of music, the unifying force it creates, and the significance of the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance.


Q: What is the significance of the presidential inauguration?

A: The presidential inauguration is a historic event that marks the beginning of a new presidential term. It symbolizes the peaceful transfer of power and the democratic process in the United States.

Q: Why is music important in the inauguration ceremony?

A: Music adds depth and emotion to the inauguration ceremony. It sets the tone for the event and adds a sense of grandeur and unity.

Q: What are some memorable moments from past inauguration days?

A: Some memorable moments from past inauguration days include iconic speeches, historic performances, and notable events that have shaped American history.

Q: How does the hymn ‘How Great Thou Art’ impact the inauguration ceremony?

A: ‘How Great Thou Art’ is a deeply soulful hymn that creates a powerful and emotional atmosphere during the inauguration ceremony. Its timeless appeal resonates with the audience and adds a sense of spirituality to the event.

Q: What preparations go into the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance at the inauguration?

A: The preparations for the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance involve rehearsals, collaboration with musicians, and a meticulous selection process to ensure a flawless and impactful performance.

Q: How does the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance impact the audience?

A: The ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance elicits strong emotional reactions from the audience, creating a sense of unity and connection. It serves as a moment of reflection and appreciation during the inauguration.

Q: How does the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance celebrate unity and faith?

A: The performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ brings people together, transcending differences and highlighting the importance of faith in times of transition and celebration. It symbolizes unity and shared values.

Q: What is the legacy of ‘How Great Thou Art’ at inaugurations?

A: ‘How Great Thou Art’ has a rich history of being performed at past inaugurations. Its enduring legacy as a hymn of reverence and inspiration has had a lasting impact on the event and its attendees.

Q: How is the magic of the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance captured?

A: The magic of the ‘How Great Thou Art’ performance is captured through professional recordings, live broadcasts, and the use of technology. These efforts ensure that the essence of the performance is preserved for future generations to experience.